June 15, 2012

Exams are Nearly Over!

Hello my lovelies,

I am so sorry that I haven't been updating too much over the last couple of weeks. I am in the middle of final exams with the last one tomorrow morning at 8:30am. It is so useful that Jerome and I are doing the same course so that we can help each other. I just can't wait for it all to be over so that I can relax and just do fun things. After the exams I have 4 weeks holidays! Which is amazing ^-^ I have soooo many things that I have organisedto do on the holidays for Veggieful - There's about 20 items on the list! I can't wait to put them all up.

My guinea piggies have been the most lovely companions in this time of stress and sleeplessness. I have added a couple of photos of them below so you can see how nice they have been. I think that they have really enjoyed sitting next to me all day while I study. Animals are such beautiful creatures. <3

I didn't get a nice one of Sniffy because he is soooo black and his fur wouldn't show up properly in the photos hehe. Poor sniff.

If you would like to add them on facebook, here are their pages:
Sherman - 
Pickles -  http://www.facebook.com/pickabean 
Well, I hope you all have a lovely weekend. Please stay tuned as during the holidays there will be lotsssss of additions to Veggieful including more yummy vegan recipes and also some more how-to's and fact sheets!

Follow our facebook page for more updates: 

♥ Madison 

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